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Paranormal Puzzle is the research approach used by Uini Research to figure out what, why and how everything in the paranormal is connected. It is the belief that one topic can not provide everyone with the entire picture. This means that everything is taken into consideration! Religions, Spiritual Activity, Ufology, Nature, Cryptozoology, Numerology, Astrology...etc. all play a key role in figuring out the entire truth!
"I am shocked that he (John Griffin II) was able to diagnose and help me start to resolve the problem and I feel better than ever about this issue that is starting to resolve after years of having no answers."
The Paranormal Puzzle approach takes other theories developed by the paranormal field into consideration until there is sufficient documentation to say otherwise. We are not focused on whether ghosts, extraterrestrials exist or whether there is something "unusual" going on. Society has already documented proof of all of this for thousands of years (if not longer). Instead, we choose to look at each case and see how this all comes together instead of running in place.
We choose to try to answer questions that will actually help us help others in the future without spouting off a bunch "Hocus Pocus" theories. For instance, we may ask the question of "why did the right shoulder and the head of the ghost manifest in this case, but in the other case only the ghosts feet manifested"? Does the paranormal fields explanation of ghosts being made out of EMF or that the ghost didn't/did have enough energy explain how this happened? NO!!!
We also look into other things that may provide further answers. Did you know that the term "Ghosts", "Alien God", "Nibiru" and "Reincarnation" can all be found within the Bible Codes. Other documented ancient texts, including the Bible, reference the above terms, but are described differently. So what are people really fighting about? Paranormal Puzzle is a neutral-minded approach until the facts are presented!