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I have developed a theory known as the Thunderstorm Effect. It is meant to explain the basics of how an entity manifests and what an entity is made out of. Typically you hear other paranormal organizations telling you how ghosts are made out of "energy" or that they are made out of "emf". Wow! That explains EVERYTHING, right? I mean as a result of this very scientific explanation, we have been able to speak to a ghost and make them manifest at the flick of a switch right? Oh wait! That hasn't happened yet! Why? Probably because the explanation is a load of crap! Let me throw a theory on the table for everyone. Let us first draw a comparison between a thunderstorm and a ghost. See the chart below.
Contains EMF Contains EMF
High Humidity High Humidity
Effected by Solar Flares Effected by Solar Flares
Effected by the Moon Effected by the Moon
Can Create Sound Can Create Sound
Can disrupt electronics Can disrupt electronics
Can block light sources Can block light sources
Can not hold a cloud in your hand Can not hold a ghost in your hand
Can cool the environment (rain) Can cool the environment
Can heat the environment (lightning) Can heat the environment
Studies have found that Solar Flares, once they reach the Earth's atmosphere, can create lightning. Is it a coincidence then that we see ghosts more when there is a Solar Flare? Let's continue. The moon can effect water. (Tide anyone?) A ghost is found to be "more active" during a full moon. Lightning generates heat, right? Have you ever seen anyone get struck by lightning and turn into an icicle? A ghost can also generate heat within the environment. They can also cool down the environment which is far more common. But wait...if they are supposed to be made out of JUST EMF which generates heat then how can a ghost cool the environment??? It's simple...they are NOT just made out of EMF but also of a cooling substance. What cools down the environment during a thunderstorm? It certainly isn't lightning! That's right! The water or rain that the storm produces. Now consider this factor; dowsing rods pick up on water, but they also pick up on ghosts too. Coincidence? I think not!
Let's add more into the equation. Thunderstorms have to manifest. They don't just appear all of a sudden. First, you have a nice clear sky, then a small cloud and then it grows into that monster sized storm! Ghosts have to manifest as well. First, you can't see them, then you get an orb, then a partial manifestation and if the environment is just right you can get a full body apparition.
The manifestation process will naturally take plenty of energy which would be absorbed from the environment. The energy and EMF is only PART of the equation. As a result of this theory, Uini Research has been able to pin point where certain activity will occur without being told with an accuracy of approximately 89%. This theory alone is what caught Dr. John Foldy's attention.
This is why it is imperative that paranormal researchers take the time to analyze ANY and ALL physical documentation that they come across. This information was sitting right in front of us the whole time! What I have described in this article was just the bare basics of the Thunderstorm Effect theory. I challenge ALL paranormal researchers and investigators to use this theory and see the results for themselves! The results do not lie! In the future I will explain more about how to predict where and when the activity will occur.
STAGE 1 Nothing - Orb STAGE 2 Orb - Partial STAGE 3 Partial - Full STAGE 4