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The study of Torah Codes is both VERY complex and VERY VERY time consuming. One code can take up to a week to complete. What we have found is that we have to properly translate English words to Hebrew. After translating the main search term, we then enter the search term and see if it comes up within the Torah Codes. The Torah Codes are contained within the first five books of the Bible and allegedly contain hidden messages ranging from major events to major companies to end of day prophecies to significant people and much more! Uini Research purchased the software in 2013 and began to research the Torah Codes and determine whether or not there is any validity behind the supposed "hidden messages". The Torah Codes are spoken of in the book of Daniel. Allegedly Moses, with assistance of God, encrypted hidden messages into the Torah. Thus far Uini Research has found such terms as "Nibiru", "Reincarnation", "Yellowstone" (the Super Volcano), "President Obama", "Death Camps", "Alien Disclosure", "Martial Law" and much more! Below are some terms we found that will demonstrate the accuracy of the Torah Codes.
Multiple codes found on Ellen DeGeneres. The code made mention of a "Confession" to "Betty" (Ellen's mother) crossing over the word "Acceptability" and then from there the word "Vance" (Ellen's brother) occurs. The code goes on to describe Betty with the words "Motherly", "Daily" and "Angelic". After doing research on Betty, we had found that Betty has stated to the press that she is called "Ma'ma" by the public on a daily basis. Using the Elegesis Torah Code method (Discovered by Sir Clark Isaac) we found that the Bible versus connected with the search terms for Betty indicate that she would be a leader of some sort. We found out that Betty is in fact seen as a leader and known activist for L.G.B.T. rights movement! The odds of this code occurring according the software was "1 chance in 39,954,265.845.
For fun, we chose to try to look up John's favorite video game company, Nintendo. Sure enough, the term did appear. The question is, is it relevant or random? Within the code the words "Animation", "Founder", "Delivered" and "Mario" all appeared together! "Mario" then appears again with the Hebrew year of "5746" which began around mid-October of 1985. Super Mario allegedly shipped out to stores on October 18th, 1985. That date is still up for debate. (How there is no clear record makes no sense!) The word "Mario" appears one last time with the words "Amazing" and "Fun".
These are some pretty accurate codes, but we have far more that we are currently working on. Some of the codes will be published on this website so stay tuned!